Soraco secures clients softwares by providing cross platform license protection that protect desktop applications, web services and mobile apps. The user interface of the software was originally designed using the default windows controls and components. This made the user experience look plain and outdated.

To provide a better user experience for their customers, Soraco needed to build a sleek stylish user experience. With the default windows controls this was not possible.

We were looking for a light weight, modern looking UI framework. A google search led us to the Bunifu UI. After watching their online video tutorials, we gave them a try and were impressed by the results

The solution

Soraco used Bunifu UI controls to create a beautiful user interface for software license activation. This has made the license registration process more user friendly and appealing to the end-user

What we liked about Bunifu UI tools is the small footprint on the system while allowing great style and flexibility. The price was also just right. Their customer support is always fast and efficient

With Bunifu UI tools Soraco has been able to build great interactive user interfaces as seen below

Ralph Akhras
Ralph AkhrasCEO,
Soraco Technologies
Soraco provides enterprise-class software solutions as well as consulting services.



Montreal, QC, Canada


Tech, Software


(B2B, C2B, C2C): B2B

Soraco used Bunifu UI controls to create a beautiful user interface for software license activation. This has made the license registration process more user friendly and appealing to the end-user