BitHidraulyco antivirus was born in 2008 as a simple hobby, detecting those malicious files and cleaning the system to restore users’ peace of mind. Over the years BitHidraulyco became a worldwide business and for this reason we had to remodel the entire product, from its operation to the way it began to be marketed.

Having multiple tools and functions was a daily challenge, offering useful tools to various types of customers and keeping them up to date has been a difficult task. Although to be able to offer an elite product, you have to have multiple services.

Over the years we realized that we had to work on an attractive interface that was easy to use, flexible to use and accessible with a click or a couple of them.

We have worked on third-party components in order to offer an attractive interface, going to other developers and external companies. During these years, we have encountered many drawbacks and problems with this type of code.

In 2017 we met BunifuFramework, we found it a very interesting product to work on our products, we found that we had very personal technical support and impressive human support.

The solution

We began to incorporating Bunifu UI Tools in our new versions for 2018, giving way to a new interface with very powerful new functionalities. To date, we continue to work with Bunifu. It offers us multiple components and options to continue working with our interface and new future ideas about the development of our product.

UI Screenshots

Antivirus Main Window using Bunifu Controls

Antivirus Performance Window Using Bunifu Controls

Antivirus Product configuration window using Bunifu Controls

Settings Window Using Bunifu Controls

In conclusion, BitHydraulico was amazed by the Bunifu team and their ability to provide excellent technical support.

Francisco Martínez
Francisco MartínezFounder & CTO

BitHidraulyco Security is one of the world’s leading cybersecurity companies in the computer security market.



Madrid, Spain


Tech, Software, information Security


(B2B, C2B, C2C): B2B

In conclusion, BitHydraulico was amazed by the Bunifu team and their ability to provide excellent technical support.