Home Forums Bunifu UI Winforms Bunifucards Error: Parameter is not valid / Out of Memory


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    • Marin
      Post count: 5

      I’m using Bunifucards to create a list of items that can have about 50-200 cards at a time. After several hours of using the system, users report that they are receiving out of memory errors despite my app only consuming about 50-75mb of memory.

      We remotely debugged an affected workstation and found that when this error is displayed, Bunifucards throws a different error (Parameter is not valid) upon initiazation of bunifucards or whenever certain properties are accessed. I’m guessing a Drawing/Graphics object is not properly being disposed when the bunifucards object is being disposed.

      Calls that trigger the issue once it runs out of memory:

      this.crdTicket = new Bunifu.Framework.UI.BunifuCards();
      this.crdTicket.BottomSahddow = true;
      this.crdTicket.TabIndex = 12;

      Message=Parameter is not valid.
      at System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(IntPtr hrgn)

    • Wilfred Kimura
      Post count: 23

      Hi, we’ll need sometime to look into this issue and provide a fix for it. It seems the Graphics handling on numerous Bunifu Cards might somehow be causing a drawing issue at runtime. However, we do know where it’s occurring so we’ll handle and fix this in the next release.

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