
We would like to thank you for being our customer, for your support and understanding as do improvements and deliver more value to you.

We recently migrated from our old site to the new site and in fact launched new version 1.5.4 on the new website. We migrated all your user account and data as well.

New licenses and purchase receipt resend

Because of this new licenses were generated under your user account on the new website and for version 1.5.4. The new license will pick exact details of your previous purchase including: exact time & date of purchase, payment method and remaining days till expiry. These details are captured on the purchase receipt which is automatically resend to your purchase email. This does not mean you were charged, we just resend you your purchase receipt.

New key and old key

The new key will only work for version 1.5.4 while the old key will work for version 1.5.3 for WinForms. We wanted to gracefully allow you to migrate that’s why we maintained both keys. However once the key expires for 1.5.3 you will need to start on 1.5.4 and you will no longer be able to renew 1.5.3.

Remember you can always find your key details under my account area.

I wanted to make this clarification as we had received enquiries from customers about the same.

Thank you for continued support.