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Tagged: VB.NET
I’m currectly studing the bunifu and trying to create test programs for education purpuse only .
I have a question if someone can help me out. I’m using VB.net 2015 and mysql
I’m trying to make this:Form1(AdminMenu) is my main form.
Form2(UsersAddCP) is my sub formIn form1 i had added Panel and i want to open Form2 inside of it.
Inside the form2 i have 7 textboxes 4 checkboxes and 1 button (Form2 is register user)
And i have a problem when i fill all fields and press the button from the Form2 , in mysql database is created new record but all fields are empty, it looks like whatever i type is not readed. But if i set in textboxes default value text in mysql create it with this information.In form1 button to open form2 in panel is like this:
Dim form2 As UsersAddCP= New UsersAddCP() form2.TopLevel = False form2.TopMost = True Dim form1 As AdminMenu = CType(Application.OpenForms("AdminMenu"), AdminMenu) Dim panel1 As Panel = CType(form1.Controls("panel1"), Panel) panel1.Controls.Clear() panel1.Controls.Add(form2) form2.Show()
What is the problem that when i type information in textboxes and click the button in Form2 is not reading anything.
Please note if i make Form2 to show as normal open new window form and fill the textboxes and checkboxes all records are added correctly. I’m having only the problem with Panels . Please someone can help me out, i cannot find any guide or someone to help me.
I would be glad if someone make video about this it will help a lot of people like me that are trying this.
I must note that in form2 button save uses RegisterUser() module to insert all the information
Here is my code :Public Sub RegisterUser() Try With cmd .Connection = conn .CommandText = "INSERT INTO users (uname,upassword,ucode,ucreate,utools,usearch) VALUES (@user,@pass,@ucd,@crt,@uto,@usrh)" .Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", UsersAddCP.TextBox1.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@pass", UsersAddCP.TextBox2.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@ucd", UsersAddCP.AdminCheck.Checked) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@crt", UsersAddCP.CreateCheck.Checked) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@uto", UsersAddCP.ToolsCheck.Checked) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrh", UsersAddCP.SearchCheck.Checked) .ExecuteNonQuery() .Parameters.Clear() .CommandText = "INSERT INTO personal (pacc,pName,pEmail,pYazaki,pPhone,pPosition) VALUES (@user,@name,@email,@yazaki,@phone,@position)" .Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", UsersAddCP.TextBox1.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", UsersAddCP.TextBox3.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", UsersAddCP.TextBox4.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@yazaki", UsersAddCP.TextBox5.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@phone", UsersAddCP.TextBox7.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@position", UsersAddCP.TextBox6.Text) Result = .ExecuteNonQuery End With Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally If Result > 0 Then MessageBox.Show("Sign Up Successful", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Else MsgBox("Failed to register user!") End If cmd.Dispose() If conn IsNot Nothing Then conn.Close() End If End Try End Sub
This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
luckydead. Reason: update
This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
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