Home Forums General Please ensure your System Date/Time is correct

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    • Gabriel Elias
      Post count: 1

      Hello, I bought the Bunify license and every time when I try to add a label or anything else the error below happens, how can I fix it? I have already checked the time and data on my system and they are correct and synchronized.

      Microsoft Visual Studio
      Failed to create component ‘BunifuLabel’. The error message follows:
      ‘System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Please ensure your System Date/Time is correct.
      at Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseValidator.ThrowSystemBackdatedException()
      at Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseValidator.GetProductLicense(ProductTypes product, LicenseContext context, Type type)
      at Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseValidator.Validate(ProductTypes product, Type control)
      at Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuLabel..ctor()’

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