Home Forums Bunifu UI Winforms Error Unlicensed


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    • mtucuduva98
      Post count: 1

      I bought framework but have a message error with my authentication. What is this?
      “This is project uses unlicensed verson of BUNIFU FRAMEWORK”

    • kenboi
      Post count: 40

      Hello Matheus,

      Apologies for the error. Please check you inbox, we have sent a new license token.


    • [email protected]
      Post count: 1

      I have been fighting this same error in C# and VB.net for the past 3 weeks. Wilburforce keeps sending me new keys but I still keep receiving a “v1.1” not a 1.2.


    • kenboi
      Post count: 40

      Hello David,

      We hope you were assisted and the issue resolved. Should you encounter any other issues please write to us.

      Happy coding 🙂

    • Muhamad Badier
      Post count: 2

      I bought framework but have a message error with my authentication. What is this?
      “This is project uses unlicensed verson of BUNIFU FRAMEWORK”

    • kenboi
      Post count: 40

      Hello Muhammad,

      Looks like you may have pasted the license incorrectly. Please check your email for further assistance.

    • Muhamad Badier
      Post count: 2

      I need your help to set the license
      where i must set it?

    • kenboi
      Post count: 40

      Hello Muhamad,

      You don’t need to reset you license, we have sent you an email with steps on how we can further assist you. Kindly check your email.

      Thank you

    • Master Regan
      Post count: 1

      do I have to re activate the license every time i start my Visual Studio? coz I just restarted it and it gives me an error that I’ve unlicensed verson of BUNIFU FRAMEWORK”. I have even forgotten how to activate it. Help please

    • kenboi
      Post count: 40

      Hello Reagan,

      For every new project you create you must add the licence you were provided for verification.

      If using VB.NET:

      Shared Sub Main()
      ‘Paste code sent to you goes here without the semi-colon/ apostrophe
      Application.Run(New Form1())
      End Sub

      If using C#:

      Please refer to step 7 here

      Please let us know should you have any further issues. Happy coding 🙂

    • rprunty
      Post count: 1

      Never received an email with a licence code.. Is this a mistake?

    • Tieping Liu
      Post count: 2

      I bought framework but have a message error with my authentication.
      “This is project uses unlicensed verson of BUNIFU FRAMEWORK”
      why reply is so slow?

      • Amos Chepchieng
        Post count: 51

        Hi Tieping Liu please contact us through [email protected] with the details of the error. Thank you.

      • Tieping Liu
        Post count: 2

        You sent me a password, I tried used it as a Token, still get same result,
        Please sent a new license token to [email protected], the dll I downloaded is Bunifu_UI_v1.3.dll

    • kenboi
      Post count: 40

      Hello Jose,

      Apologies for the issues you are experiencing. We have sent you an email with instructions on how to resolve the issue.

      Happy coding 🙂

    • Debasis Bhattacharjee
      Post count: 1

      My email is [email protected] and I dont also have the license after purchase. Please provide me.

      • Amos Chepchieng
        Post count: 51

        Hi Debasis,
        We have sent an email with order details please check your mail inbox. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 114
    • Thanh Nguyen
      Post count: 1

      Hi guy, i have a problem with bunifunetframe
      System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: ‘This product does not have a valid Bunifu UI WinForms license to run.’
      Please help me!
      Your customer

    • Wilberforce Seguton
      Post count: 35

      Hi Nguyen,

      Sorry about that. This means that the current license installed is not valid for that specific machine.

      1. Go to Registry → HKEY_CURRENT_USER → SOFTWARE → delete the key Bunifu Technologies
      2. Restart Visual Studio and reopen your project.

      It will prompt you to enter the key again. Ensure you clean and re-build your project it should be all good

    • Acibalik70
      Post count: 2

      I bought a new license, but my license is blocked, I get the error. When I check the license management, it looks active.

      Post count: 2

      I have a VS2019 project with Bunifu.UI.Winforms 5.0.1 installed from NuGet. When I input my license data as required, I get this error:

      “Sorry this license is valid for a different product. Please install the product you purchased for or alternativel purchase a license for this product.”

      “[404] Product license mismatch. You license caters for .”

      I DO have a license for Bunifu.UI.Winforms which is listed as Active and valid.

      • Wilberforce Seguton
        Post count: 35

        I have checked your license details and I noticed you were activating using the wrong license. I have sent you the correct details in your email. Please check.

    • jack williams
      Post count: 1

      It just happened to me too, is there any way I can fix it?

      • Wilberforce Seguton
        Post count: 35

        Please install version 4.0.0 from Nuget. We noticed issues with version 5.0.1 and are currently working on it. Our apologies

    • Dennis
      Post count: 5

      Just bought a license for Bunifu UI WinForms. I’ve tried to activate the license in four different test projects, but I keep getting the same popup saying “This software was developed using a trial version of Bunifu Framework”.

      Activating Premium works great, but as soon as I try to debug the software the same trial-warning-window appears and I need to re-enter the email/key.

      I’ve cleaned and rebuilt the applications hundreds of times now and it doesn’t seem to matter. The log looks OK as well:
      [26-04-21 02:46:09] Activation request initiated.
      [26-04-21 02:46:11] Request successfully created.
      [26-04-21 02:46:11] Request sent; awaiting response…
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Response received: Created
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] License verified (200).
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Preparing to parse response object…
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Header object fields parsed.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Device object fields parsed.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Client object fields parsed.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] License object fields parsed.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Special license object fields parsed.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Licensed products successfully added.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Special license enum fields casted.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] Activation succeeded.
      [26-04-21 02:46:12] License created.

    • Van Dam
      Post count: 1

      I bought framework but have a message error with my authentication. What is this?
      “This is project uses unlicensed verson of BUNIFU FRAMEWORK”

    • Wilberforce Seguton
      Post count: 35

      Hi Van Dam,

      Please come to the live chat so we can respond to the issue

    • Pablo-1
      Post count: 2

      I just got a free trial and added the Bunifu package to VS2019 with Nuget. I did the instalation as said in the documentation and get the next error when Running the script (just adding a button on Windows Forms):

      Error unable to solve ‘Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuButton.BunifuButton, Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuButton, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e8e24ccd28363fe9’ Grabbing an Image D:\Grabbing an Image\Properties\licenses.licx 1

      How can I solve it?

      Thank you

    • Wilberforce Seguton
      Post count: 35

      If you got the activation dialog, try to create a new project and drag any control and it should work fine.

      • Pablo-1
        Post count: 2

        I got the activation dialog and introduced the key I got from my profile.

        Then I was able to design a Windows Form, but not to run it (before I changed anything it worked), giving the error above.

        Now I created a new project and I couldn’t grab anything to the Form, giving the next error:

        Failed to create component ‘Bunifubutton’. The error message follows:
        ‘Microsoft.DotNet.DesignToolsServerException: This product does not have a valid Bunifu UI WinForms license to run.’ […]

        Thank you for your help

    • Cristian R Baca
      Post count: 1

      Help please, every single movement makes everything crash, god i have bought a license and throw an issue related to Date/Time… what can i do ?

    • Acibalik70
      Post count: 2

      İleti=This product does not have a registered Bunifu UI license to run.
      konum Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseValidator.ThrowRuntimeLicenseException()
      konum Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseProviders.GetProductLicense(ProductTypes product, LicenseContext context, Type type)
      konum Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseProviders.UIWinFormsLicenseProvider.GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions)
      konum System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternalRecursive(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license, String& licenseKey)
      konum System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.Validate(Type type, Object instance)
      konum Bunifu.Licensing.LicenseValidator.Validate(ProductTypes product, Type control, Object instance)
      konum Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuTextbox.BunifuTextBox..ctor()
      konum GüvenlikİzinUygulaması.SecurityPermission..ctor() C:\Users\MUHAMMED ACIBALIK\source\repos\GüvenlikİzinUygulaması\GüvenlikİzinUygulaması\Form1.cs içinde: 22. satır
      konum GüvenlikİzinUygulaması.Program.Main() C:\Users\MUHAMMED ACIBALIK\source\repos\GüvenlikİzinUygulaması\GüvenlikİzinUygulaması\Program.cs içinde: 19. satır

    • Andreas Honecker
      Post count: 1

      I getting mad as well. I can design but suddenly can not run anymore even i have a valid licence.
      This product does not have a registered Bunifu UI license to run.

      I did deinstall, reinstall, even different versions. No use. Always the same.
      The dialog for enter the licence even not show up anymore.
      I am loosing time on customer project 🙁
      Message to support no response.

    • Zach Combs
      Post count: 1

      Hello There, I’m experiencing an error message – “This product does not have a valid Bunifu UI WinForms license to run”.
      Even though I have an active license. I’m not able to open up my application because the framework is messing up. Please help me resolve this in a timely manner. I’ve tried deleting the file in the registry in an attempt to get the license prompt to pop back up but it doesn’t.

    • Kaan Öztaylan
      Post count: 1

      I am trying to use the authentication code Bunifu.Framework.License.Authenticate(“”, “”); but its only for EntityFramework, we are using .NET Core 6.0. Is there an another way of using it?

    • Erik Gjertsen
      Post count: 1

      Hi ‘This product does not have a valid Bunifu UI WinForms license to run.’ How shall I fix this one?

    • Luigi Arena
      Post count: 2

      I try to put the registration code in program.cs Bunifu.Framework.License.Authenticate(“”, “”) but namespace license not exist.
      we are using .NET Core 6.0. Is there an another way of using it?

    • Luigi Arena
      Post count: 2

      News !!!???

    • asd asd
      Post count: 1

      WindowsFormsApp5.exe.licenses error

    • Abdelrahman Sheta
      Post count: 1

      i have an error with my free trial license .it does not work

    • Barna Kadar
      Post count: 2

      i have license but i canot insert any item to my form.
      It not activated and i receive the error:
      Failed to create component ‘BunifuTextBox’. The error
      message follows:
      ‘System.MissingMethodException: Method not found:
      ptions.ProductTypes, System.Type)’.
      at Bunifu.Ul.WinForms.BunifuTextBox .. ctor0′

      what can i do?

      • Dennis
        Post count: 5

        Sadly enough, there’s nothing you can do. Bunifu is a scam.
        I bought it in 2021, I never got any help, they just ignored me and everyone else.
        3 years and not a single reply from any emails, only a forum reply saying u should use Live Chat, live chat says email is… emails never get a reply back.

      • Dennis Jr Balingit
        Post count: 1

        Same Problem what can i do too?

    • can çekili
      Post count: 1

      When I add bunifu to my project, I get the error shown in the picture, what should I do?

      Failed to create component ‘BunifuFormDrag’. The error
      message follows:
      ‘ Microsoft, DotNet. DesignTools.Client.DesignToolsServerExcep
      tion: Method not found:
      ‘ System. Security. Crypto graphyX509CertificatesX509Certificate
      System. Net. Http.HttpClientHandler.get_ClientCertificates0’.•


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