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Perfect plan for students and teachers for educational purposes
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- You agree that we need your student information so we can verify you
- We will only enroll you to this plan if you have a verifiable email address with your school domain
- Your licensing details will only be sent to the verified email and not alternative emails
- Licensing period will be 1 year
- The plan is per student licensing meaning it only serves one student account
- If you want group licensing then you will give us more details, costs will be equal to the number of licenses required
- We reserve the right to review the plan from time to time
- Because of the verification, the process is not instant hence we’ll need a little patience from you end. We will try to be fast as much as we can
- Licensing is per product, meaning you will pay for the license separately for WinForms and Dataviz
- We reserve the right to request for additional verification information if required